News Release
Date Posted
Steinberg Announces Health Benefit Exchange Appointee
(SACRAMENTO) – Senate President pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg has announced the selection of Dr. Robert Ross as the Senate Rules Committee appointment to the California Health Benefit Exchange Board.
Dr. Ross, of Altadena, is president and CEO of The California Endowment. He previously served as the director of Health and Human Services for San Diego County. Ross also serves on the boards of the USC Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy, Diversity in Philanthropy Project, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, and the Los Angeles Foundation Leadership Group. Ross lists his party registration as independent. Histermon the board will end January 1, 2016.
The board is the governing body of the California Health Benefit Exchange that makes qualified health plans available to qualified individuals and employers under the federal Patient and Protection Affordable Care Act. The federal act requires each state to establish such an exchange. The board enters into contracts with health plans seeking to participate; determines eligibility for enrollment in the exchange; and establishes quality incentives for health plans that encourage the use of cost‐effective and high quality delivery systems. The board is also authorized to apply for federal planning and establishment grants for establishment of the exchange.
Click here for the original announcement.